Season 3 of everyone’s favorite ode to 1980s sci-fi and horror nostalgia Stranger Things is on its way, and the newly final trailer shows the now-adolescent kids of Hawkins, Indiana, enjoying a relaxing summer in 1985 when an evil they believed they’d previously beaten rears its ugly head again. 

At the end of the last season — spoiler alert! — the show’s powerhouse superhero Eleven used her psychic abilities to close the door between the earthly realm and the Upside Down, that world of the creatures stalking and threatening to end the small town. Will, whose disappearance was the basis of the first season, no longer has the virus in him that he picked up while in the Upside Down, the monstrous dogs set loose in this dimension have all vanquished, and the kids are seen at a school dance settling into the everyday mundanity of pre-teen life. 

Tickets start at just $30!The game is afoot. “Mysterious Circumstances” begins June 11.

In the trailer, trouble rears its head when the children are seen at the town’s Fun Fair and exploring a new mall, and one by one they innately pick up on the presence of evil once more. The monster now has a human voice speaking for it that lets the viewer know Eleven actually locked him outside of the gate, and he’s taken to a new host to execute his deathly deeds: Billy, the jerky metalhead big stepbrother of Season 2 newcomer Max. An action-packed latter half of the trailer above shows Eleven coming in strong once more, evoking her preternatural strengths to defeat the intruders in their world. 

Stranger Things season 3 premieres on July 4th. Find out more and see the other trailers and teasers from the coming season here
